Annie Howa Oliveri


Cost Rica 2011


I have been working on this blog.   It is a very slow work in progress.  Eventually, I hope to have told all eight days of the trip and integrate photo's.  To read the posts I've published click on the Month of February and you will see the list as I have posted them by their original date.  Mainly, I just want remember the trip and possibly blog about future trips - an online travel journal.  Additionally, I want to share our adventures with our family and friends and really anyone who feels like reading all my ramblings.    If you are planning a trip to Costa Rica and have stumbled upon this blog in your research.  Please do not hesitate to email me any questions you might have.  There's a handful of things I would have done differently and many things I hope to do again!

Thanks for stopping by - please come back again soon and feel free to share your comments.


**9/18/12 - sadly the posts about of trip were never finished